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208 bedrijven gevonden
TransFurans Chemicals (TFC) is a pioneer in furan chemicals. For over 35 years we have been the world leading producer of furfuryl alcohol, a biomass based chemical. Our main markets are the foundry and refractory industry were furan chemicals are the base material for thermoset resins in demanding high temperature applications. TransFurans Chemicals is a keen investor in innovation and creativity. We constantly improve our processes, add on new products and expand our areas of application. We always look to achieve a healthy balance between ecology, economy and performance. We see our customers as partners. Working together, we develop surprising insights and solutions that form the foundations for a successful future. TransFurans Chemicals continues to focus on furfuryl alcohol and its derivatives; we lead the world in this particular market and aim to keep it that way. We are firmly convinced that furfuryl alcohol remains an important green platform in chemical industry.
NIRAS is de Nationale instelling voor radioactief afval en verrijkte splijtstoffen, die sinds 1980 verantwoordelijk is voor het veilige beheer van radioactief afval in België.
VLUX is one of the most active world leaders in the development, production and commercialization of quality weatherproof luminaires. Its full product range includes: - Weatherproof luminaires, - Indoor lighting, - Street lighting, - Emergency lighting, - SMC (sheet moulding compound).
The Magnel-Vandepitte Laboratory of Ghent University focuses on scientific research and services in relation to material behaviour, structural design and assessment for the built environment, from material research on microscopic scale to large-scale behaviour of structures.
Keppel Seghers Belgium NV behoort tot de milieudivisie van het Singaporese Keppel Corporation Ltd en biedt ecologische totaaloplossingen in afvalmanagement en hernieuwbare energie. Bij Keppel Seghers draag je bij aan een duurzame samenleving en een schonere toekomst!
Studiebureau Forté maakt stabiliteitsstudies en studies technieken op voor nieuwbouw- en renovatieprojecten. Wij voeren hoofdzakelijk studies uit voor kantoren, scholen en residentiële gebouwen.
Founded over a century ago, Herbosch-Kiere is specialised in river, port, coastal and offshore projects. Its specialty areas include the demolition and rebuilding of quay walls, bridges, locks and jetties, as well as stone dumping, dredging and salvage projects.
