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208 bedrijven gevonden
De beschikbaarheid van water speelt een cruciale rol in de toekomst van onze aarde. Bedrijven leggen zichzelf nu concrete doelstellingen op voor energie, CO2 én watergebruik. Ekopak wil die bedrijven helpen om het tij te keren door volop in te zetten op innovatieve technologie voor waterrecyclage.
North Sea Port is het 60 kilometer lange grensoverschrijdende havengebied dat zich uitstrekt over Vlissingen, Borsele, Terneuzen en Gent. Als één van de snelst groeiende havens in Europa zetten wij ons dagelijks in voor de ontwikkeling en het beheer van het gebied.
Milliken is one of the world's largest textile and chemical manufacturers. We are widely acknowledged as an international leader in research, technology, innovation and customer service. By combining science with design and insights, we tackle the issues and concerns of today.
Sofics is the market leader in on-chip ESD protection technology for advanced and high voltage circuits. We deliver specialty Analog IOs and on-chip ESD protection . Sofics is an SME with an extensive international customer base, healthy financials and a strong growth potential.
Uticon is hét advies- en ingenieursbureau in de voedingsindustrie. We werken aan industriële projecten en kijken naar wat onze klanten nodig hebben om hun processen, gebouwen en organisatie te verbeteren. Dit steeds met aandacht voor belangrijke details en kennis van de trends van morgen.
Sigasi radically redefines digital design. Our design entry tool Sigasi Studio makes the work of digital chip designers more efficient and fun. Sigasi Studio has now become the essential next-generation Intelligent Development Environment (IDE) for hardware designers. Sigasi Studio drastically improves designer productivity by helping to write, inspect and modify digital circuit designs in the most intuitive way. Our tool understands the design context. Advanced features such as intelligent autocompletes and code refactoring, make VHDL, Verilog and SystemVerilog design easier, more efficient. Sigasi, launched in 2008 and headquartered in Belgium, is backed by angel investors and has formed partnerships with FPGA and EDA companies including Altera, Xilinx and Aldec. The Sigasi Studio software is used worldwide by industry leaders in the fields of healthcare, consumer electronics, industrial automation, telecom, aerospace and defense.
Engineering A Zero-Carbon Future Nearly 8 billion people live on the planet today. And those 8 billion people demand energy, water and other increasingly scarce natural resources to sustain their communities, fuel businesses and realise their human potential. All at a time of unprecedented environmental pressure and a changing climate that urgently demands action. At Tractebel, we are not standing down from this challenge. We are standing up with engineering solutions for a sustainable future and the zero-carbon transition our world needs. Tractebel engineers and experts are delivering game-changing solutions for energy, water and urban projects in some of the toughest business areas and environments on Earth. How are we doing it? By combining strategy, design and engineering into one fully-integrated service that delivers breakthrough results. But do not just take our word for it. Let us show you.
