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157 bedrijven gevonden
With 2019 sales of EUR 12.4 billion, Covestro is among the world’s largest polymer companies. Business activities are focused on the manufacture of high-tech polymer materials and the development of innovative solutions for products used in many areas of daily life. The main segments served are the automotive, construction, wood processing and furniture, and electrical and electronics industries. Other sectors include sports and leisure, cosmetics, health and the chemical industry itself. Covestro has 30 production sites worldwide and employs approximately 17,200 people (calculated as full-time equivalents) at the end of 2019.
We are experts in market dynamics and processes, including consumer challenges in the energy & utility sectors. We like to strategically think of technology implementation and tackle operational business challenges across the entire value chains of our industries of expertise.
EuralPack biedt vacuüm- en gasverpakkingen aan voor de Belgische, Nederlandse, Luxemburgse en Franse markt. Het bedrijf is gespecialiseerd in vacuüm- en MAP - CAP verpakking van verse voedingswaren met diverse kunststof verpakkingsmaterialen.
SECO is de referentie in “third party” diensten voor de bouwsector in België en het Groothertogdom Luxemburg en fungeert hierdoor als een onafhankelijke, onpartijdige en betrouwbare partner. Met 410 multidisciplinaire medewerkers ontwikkelt SECO voortdurend activiteiten in Europa en daarbuiten.
ATPC provides flexibility for hydrocarbon feedstock, intermediates and finished products. Jetty capacity and ultra-modern manifolds make it ideal for highly efficient logistics and the business of blending. Also, the terminal provides LPG storage with block train facilities.
Netwerk is specialist in projectsourcing van technisch hooggekwalificeerde profielen in verschillende sectoren. Een partnership met Netwerk biedt ondersteuning bij het vinden van de juiste match tussen project en talent. Zo wordt elke job “always a great job”
