The classes can also be taken as 2 separate parts. (click to see separate participation fees valid).
PART 1: lessons 1 to 5 + lesson 9
PART 2: lesson 1 + lessons 6 to 9
Lesson 1. Introduction to tunnelling and underground structures
- Introduction
- Design of underground structures
- Requirements in underground construction
- Modeling ; FE methodology
- From design to management of tunnels in operation
- Contract forms ; Design & built
- Financial and legal aspects
- Architecture in underground structures
- Tunnel heritage
Bart De Pauw (UGent + TUC RAIL)
Hans Mortier (KU Leuven + Deme Infra)
Anthony Logghe (Eubelius)
Lesson 2. Immersed tunnelling
- Design of immersed tunnel
- Execution and points of interest
- Crucial parts, accessories
- Follow-up and management
- Case studies Fehmarnbelt
- Case study Oosterweel
Hans Mortier (KU Leuven + Deme Infra)
Benoit Janssens (Lantis)
Lesson 3. Conventional tunnelling and rock tunnelling
- Design tunnel cut & cover, design conventional tunnels
- FE-modelling
- Execution techniques
- Crucial parts, accessories
- Follow-up and management
- Case studies and experiences
Bart De Pauw (UGent + TUC RAIL)
Jean-Pierre Tshibangu (
NCC (Sweden, guestspeaker)
Lesson 4. Mechanized tunnelling
- Design bored tunnel, design and execution
- Bore pressure 2D or 3D?
- Boring at shallow depth below tidal rivers
- Mudcake formation
- Design departure and receiving shafts
- Design tunnel lining, from elementary equations for linings to spring-damper analysis instead of FE-models, and FE-modelling
- Where are we with deep learning in tunnelling?
- Crucial parts, accessories
- Follow-up
- Case studies (Diabolo & Liefkenshoektunnel) and experiences
Laurence Delplace (Amberg + ULiège)
Bart De Pauw (UGent + TUC RAIL)
Philippe Van Bogaert (UGent)
Lesson 5. Micro-tunnelling & pipe-jacking & rehabiliation
- Micro-tunnelling: design and execution
- Pipe jacking techniques: design and execution
- Cables and pipes tunnels
- Water storage tunnels
- Pipeline rehabilitation
Bart Vanhout (Smet Group)
Maarten Vanneste (Denys)
Kristof Van Royen (Denys)
Wim Feyen (K-boringen)
Lesson 6. Fire safety, tunnel safety and tunnel installations
- Fire safety: design and approach
- Performance based design approach
- Evacuation management and QRA
- Tunnel safety in road and rail tunnels
- Integration of rail infrastructure - clash detection
- Normative framework of tunnel safety
- Fire department concerns
- Case study Liefkenshoek
Joren Celis (Tractebel)
Bart De Pauw (UGent + TUC Rail)
Matteo Pachera (SWECO)
Heidi Cuypers (Vlaamse overheid, MOW)
Lesson 7. BIM in underground structures: from design to management
- BIM in underground structures: normative framework
- EIR and BEP in tunnels
- Use cases
- LOIN (Level Of Information Need)
- BIM from design and execution to management
- Case studies Fehmarnbelt
- Case study Kennedy tunnel (railway tunnel)
Kang-Chi Jao (Wayss & Freitag)
Joseph Ickmans (Tractebel)
Bart De Pauw (UGent + TUC Rail)
Vincent De Breuck (TUC Rail / Infrabel)
Lesson 8. Tunnels in operation: Tunnel operation and maintenance, tunnel renovations
- Operability of tunnels
- Contract forms
- Installations and tunnel lighting
- Risk analysis and RAMS
- Inspection
- Tunnel renovations
- Preventive maintenance
Erwin Joris (De Lijn)
Heidi Cuypers (Vlaamse overheid, MOW)
Joachim Peerlinck (Vlaamse overheid, MOW)
Bart De Pauw (UGent + TUC Rail)
Christophe Van Ginderachter (Vlaamse overheid, MOW)
Lesson 9. Future proof tunnelling and Innovation in underground techniques
- Underground structures in the future
- Hyperloop
- Follow-up and monitoring
- Robustness and climate change
- Sustainable design
- Energy neutral tunnels
- Innovations in construction techniques
Gust Van Lysebetten (Buildwise)
Stijn François (KU Leuven)
Maarten Vanneste (Denys)
Kristof Maes (KU Leuven)
Bart De Pauw (UGent + TUC Rail)