Context and aim
Disputes arising from industrial and construction projects are usually complex and expensive. The best way to resolve disputes is to avoid their occurrence in the first place by inter alia drafting a clear specification, implementing an effective project management plan and adhering to the project plan together with effective contract management. However, this is not always sufficient and disputes can nonetheless arise. Although this is something where engineers do not feel themselves at ease, their involvement in the resolution is non neglectable. The conference will highlight the role engineers can play in multi-tier dispute resolution procedures (litigation, arbitration, adjudication and mediation). The following early identification methods will be highlighted: Conflict Avoidance Panel (CAP), Early Neutral Evaluation (ENE), project based Dispute Board (DB) and Evaluative Mediation. Finally, the ICC Dispute Board Rules will be explained with a focus on the role of engineers.
Target Group
This event is intended for consulting engineers, project directors, project managers, construction managers, expert-witnesses, dispute resolution board members, arbitrators, claim managers, in-house legal counsels, lawyers specialized in construction etc. acting on national and international projects involving civil works, infrastructure, industrial plants, equipment, and other endeavors related to engineering, covering the complete project cycle from front-end engineering till commissioning, acceptance and hand-over.
Mediation is becoming more and more prominent in the industry to avoid lengthy and often very expensive legal processes. Unfortunately, once a formal mediation process is put on the table, a lot of time and money have already been lost. Mediation is however not only a technique but also a mindset that has to be brought inside companies on every level especially in the departments dealing with projects. It is therefore of paramount importance to teach project engineers, project managers and project directors, who are mostly unaware of mediation, the benefits of it. During the symposium, attention will be paid how a mindset based on mediation techniques can help companies to avoid escalation or to find sound solutions for conflicts that have arisen during the execution of the project and before putting the project into jeopardy. One of the speakers and the coordinator of the symposium are certified mediators (FBC) and two other speakers are judges in a commercial court known for promoting mediation.
€ 280 for non-members
€ 196 for individual members ie-net
€ 196 for ie-net partners (corporate members)
€ 196 for members ICC Belgium | CEPANI | BVBR-ABDC | FEB-VBO | essenscia | a.o...
Free (*): for judges, judicial trainees and personnel of the judicial order, commercial judges (RIO)
(*) Accreditation IGO
The registration fee is borne by IGO, for judges, judicial trainees and personnel of the judicial order, commercial judges (RIO).
Please use the promotion code IGO1202 on the online registrationform.
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Erkenningsnummer DV.O217461
Aantal opleidingsuren : 3
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Erkenning IGO
De opleiding is door IGO (Instituut voor de Gerechtelijke Opleiding) erkend.
Rio's : 3 punten permanente vorming
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Vervanging door een collega is evenwel toegestaan, die dan met vermelding van naam en functie tekent naast de naam van de vervangen collega.
Gebruik de code IGO1202 op het inschrijvingsformulier.